Peningkatan Aktivitas Siswa dalam Pembelajaran PAI melalui Metode Tanya Jawab Dengan Teknik Questions Ball Di Kelas 3 APK 1 SMK Negeri 1 Amuntai

The aim of this study is to know students activities and to describe teacher activities, in addition, to know students response in learning PAI by implementing Question and answer method in questions ball technique.

The setting of this study in the third class in official administration skill program 1 (kelas 3 Program Keahlian Administrasi Perkantoran 1) SMK Negeri 1 Amuntai first semester period 2008/2009 and its implemented for three cycles. The source of data is the third class in official administration skill program 1 (kelas 3 Program Keahlian Administrasi Perkantoran 1), GPAI and other teacher as observer. The technique of collecting data is observation, field notes, and check list.

The result of this study shows that students activities in learning process in Islamic Teaching/PAI increase from 65,35% (cycle I) to be 73,20% (in cycle II) and 85,10% (in cycle III). Teachers activities also increases from 66,34% (cycle I) to be 95,19% (in cycle II) and 99,03% (in cycle III). Students response to learning process by implementing Question and answer method in questions ball technique, 77% say very agree.

Kata Kunci:
Aktivitas siswa, pembelajaran PAI, metode tanya jawab, teknik questions ball.

Penulis adalah dosen STAI RAKHA Amuntai dan pengajar pada SMK Negeri 1 Amuntai.Penulis adalah Alumni PPs S2 IAIN Antasari Bjm.

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